New Member Impresses!

On a recent birding trip to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia I had the pleasure to spend 10 days with 10 fellow birders, including our newest GreatBirdPics member Pdemkovich.  Like me, he lugged his camera off and on the van each time we stopped and took as many pictures we could of the birds around us.  He did me one better by also taking pictures of dragonflies and flowers and any other objects that caught his attention.  At the end of the trip I invited all the participants to check out our website and Pdemkovich went ahead and signed up.  Then he started sharing some of his pictures with us!  Sometimes new members hold back from posting but he dove right in!  Let’s take a look at some of his pics:

This bright Altamira Oriole caught my eye.  It’s hard to compensate for the bright colors, which tend to get blown out.  Good job scaling it back!


I love this composition of a Nelson’s Sparrow standing near some dune grass – it is very balanced even though the bird is off-center.


Here’s another image that combines a good control of blowing out the blue bird and a balance between the bird and the blue (water? sky?).  All in all a great composition!


Our final image from Pdemkovich again demonstrates his eye for composition with the molting Summer Tanager to the left balanced by the tree trunk on the right.



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