Most Viewed Images on GreatBirdPics

Be sure to enter the latest Bird Photography Contest on  Win $100 for the best shot using a Halloween theme.  CLICK HERE for important details.  Deadline for submission is October 25, 2024.

Ok, so we’re no Facebook or Flickr where posting an out-of-focus picture of a House Sparrow can garner a couple hundred views.  GreatBirdPics does have over 12,000 images in its database and some of them do get quite a few views from non-members.  Here are the top four most-viewed images on our site:

This BIF of a Bar-tailed Godwit by Rebecca Bowater is the most-viewed image with 497 pageviews.


With 422 views, this Marsh Wren by LinLark comes in second.


Next, with 391 pageviews, Rebecca Bowater’s image of Gentoo Penguins on a nest.


Rounding out the top four, my image of a Black-crowned Night Heron at the Lincoln Park Zoo has had 305 pageviews.


Keep those pics coming in and tell your friends to check them out here!  Who knows, eventually we might be as big as….  Well, never mind that.  Just enjoy the pics

If you enjoy seeing beautiful pictures of birds from around the world and reading about them Click Here to sign up for our mailing list.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPics and learn more about bird photography techniques.

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