More Costa Rican Tanagers From Our Members

I was using the Search All feature on our website to find pictures of birds taken in Costa Rica.  In addition to my recent travel companions’ pictures I found several other images from GreatBirdPics members.  Two days ago I shared some pictures of Tanagers Emil Baumbach and I took there so I thought you might enjoy seeing some different Tanagers shared by our members.

Rebecca Bowater was in Costa Rica right before COVID hit and captured this brightly-colored Flame-colored Tanager.


Asteinmann was there in 2020 as well and took this picture of a Palm Tanager at a feeder.  Not as flashy as some other Tanagers, it still is a treat to see them


Another one from Rebecca Bowater’s shots – a Spangled-cheeked Tanager.


Back to one of asteinmann’s pics; although we saw a shot of a male Scarlet-rumped Tanager the other day, here is the female of the same species.


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