Mike’s Fall Warblers

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Spring warbler season in Chicagoland is my favorite time to go out and see my favorite birds;  fall warbler season is my second-favorite.  The fall migration brings through just as many warblers but they are harder to see and sometimes not as colorful as they are in the spring.  In the spring the new leaf growth is less dense than the fall leaves so it is much harder to see the warblers in the fall.  Some fall warblers lose their colorful breeding plumage and are more dull.

Out and about this fall in Michigan and Chicagoland, here are some of the warblers I saw, starting with this Magnolia Warbler which was popping its head into the sunlight from its perch.  A male in fall/non-breeding plumage.:


This fall I’ve seen many more female Redstarts than males. That’s why this male stood out so much when I spotted it.  Their plumage doesn’t change during fall/non-breeding time.


This female Nashville Warbler found a nice green caterpillar for breakfast.  The female shows white on the flanks whereas the male is almost all yellow.


This female Northern Parula’s lower mandible blends in with the yellow on the throat.  According to Sibley, this is unique in warblers.  No difference between breeding and non-breeding plumage.


This female American Redstart just grabbed a spider in its beak.  You can see the little legs sticking out.


I studied my field guide and can’t quite tell if this Black-throated Green Warbler is a male or female.  I’m guessing it’s a young female but if anyone has a more definitive ID please post in the comments.


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