Member’s Bird Photography Showcase – 8/3/21

Pretty Bird!  Pretty Bird!

Thanks for continuing to support this site by sharing your GreatBirdPics – I really appreciate it (and love seeing your pics).  Here are a couple that stand out.

HMeade2108 was in Yellowstone National Park and snapped a couple of an American Dipper, known for diving off a rock and swimming underwater after prey.  They look like any other songbird but such an interesting behavior.


Here’s a closeup of a hungry Tree Swallow.  Looks like John Weisgerber was right there next to it!


A Great-tailed Grackle in Las Vegas?  What are the odds?  Thanks for sending the pic in Gurineb!


Birder1959 went down to Texas to get a Lifer – a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.


HMeade21008 sure gets around.  Here’s a closeup of a White-crowned Sparrow in the state of Washington.

There are lots more where these came from.  Check the Latest Pics section.


Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Share Here.  Repeat.


If you would like to learn more about CLICK HERE.  Members can post their Great Bird Pics here, communicate with other members, and receive regular emails about bird photography.

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