Members’ Bird Photography Showcase – 5/22/24

The warbler migration wasn’t great here this year.  Karen and I saw the most common ones, but not in large numbers, and the rarer ones like the Connecticut and Worm-eating Warbler went unseen.  Our members got some good shots of warblers in their areas.  Take a look:

LinLark spotted a Cerulean Warbler high up in a tree with some branches nicely framing the bird.  Great composition!


Asteinmann was at Magee Marsh in mid-May, a prime warbler migration period, and captured this beautiful Cape May Warbler there.  We missed seeing him there by a day or two.


One of my favorite warblers is the Black and White.  They climb up thick tree limbs and twist their bodies around to reach small insects.  LinLark’s photo shows just that.


Asteinmann was at Cleveland’s Lakefront Park and spotted a male Yellow Warbler (the red stripes are field marks for the male).  Sorry, but the obscured bird contest is over!


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