Member’s Bird Photography Showcase – 4/2/21

There’s a New, New Kid in Town!

We bumped into Graham Deese on the trail the other day with his camera and tripod slung over his shoulder.  It was early, yet he was already heading back to the parking lot after being there before dawn. I’ve admired his bird photography for awhile so I invited him to post a couple of his pics on GreatBirdPics and am I glad he did!

Under the username Osprey60 (he watermarks each picture with his actual name so it’s not a secret) he has already posted 37 of some of the best bird pictures I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot of them).  His pictures range from moody, black-background shots to sharply focused closeups.  Below are just a couple of his pics – be sure to click on each one to see an enlarged view.  If you would like to review all of his pics you can go to Graham’s My Flock by CLICKING HERE.

The very first picture of his that I looked as was this shot of some Mute Swans.  The white swans seem to emerge from the black surrounding them.  A GreatBirdPic!

Now check out his close-up of a Red-shouldered Hawk.  I seems like the bird is looking right through you:

I always thought that the Wood Stork was an ugly bird.  Not anymore, as Graham captured a BIF shot beautifully:

I could go on, but I’ll leave after one more.  Ever wonder what an Artsy-Fartsy picture is?  Take a look at this closeup of a Green Heron and you’ll understand:

Welcome Osprey60!  We eagerly look forward to more of your GreatBirdPics!

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Post Here.  Repeat.


If you’d like to learn more about CLICK HERE.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPics, write comments about other member’s pics, and receive regular emails about bird photography.

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