A nice variety of GreatBirdPics have been coming in lately (almost 13,000 altogether). Here are some recent ones that caught my eye.
White-plumed Honeyaters perch atop an old dead tree. I like the portrait-view composition, which enhances the length of the limbs and brings your attention to the birds. Good job Daltsysnr!
Kaur provides us with a beautiful BIF shot of a Short-eared Owl at sunset. I love how the light catches the bird’s eye.
Ronald Zigler shared a photo of a bird waaay out of its range. The Varied Thrush typically lives along the Pacific Northwest and up into Alaska but Ron captured this one in Massachusetts, foraging in the snow.
Finally, Rebecca Bowater saw a flow of birds passing overhead and didn’t know what species they were so she did what many of us would do – she took a picture of them and then studied the image on her computer back home. She determined that they were Double-banded Plovers (their local name is Banded Dotterel).
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