Member’s Bird Photography Showcase – 3/15/22

Osprey60’s California Pics are Better Than Great!

I recently went to the California coast for some birding, golf, and wine tasting.  I took some pictures of birds that I set aside to share here – that is until I saw Osprey60’s pics of the same birds!  He shared several images of birds he saw on his recent trip to California that blew me away.  All were Award Worthy (as he is apt to take)!  I’ve selected a couple of his pics for this email, but if you would like to see his entire collection Click Here.  I’m very proud to have bird photographers like Osprey60 sharing their works with us!

Let’s start small – a Bewick’s wren carrying nesting material is a great shot to begin our trip to California.


Do you like action shots?  Osprey60 captured this Surf Scoter walking across the ocean as it took off.


You may have heard of Ruddy Turnstones before, as they show up occasionally in the midwest and can be found on the east coast fairly easily (you may recall some pictures of them I posted recently from Tybee Island, Georgia).  The Black Turnstone is found just on the west coast of North America.  Just look at the detail in this pic of one foraging along the shore.  A great composition!


Osprey60 shared four wonderful pics of Oystercatchers (one of my favorites) and it was hard to choose which one to include in this email.  I selected this one because it showed the Oystercatcher on the bed of oysters (or are they mussels?).


It’s hard to stop because he shared so many great shots with us, but I’ll make this the last one for today.  The effect of the white Snowy Egret against the black background is stunning!


Thanks again Osprey60 for sharing your pics with us!


Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Share Here.  Repeat.


If you would like to learn more about GreatBirdPics Click Here.  Members can post their own great bird pics, create an online gallery of their works, and receive regular emails like this one about bird photography.

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