Interesting Pics From Costa Rica

Some of the shots I took while in Costa Rica I found to be interesting: either the bird, the setting, pose, or action.  Take a look:

On our first day of birding in Costa Rica we got up before breakfast at Poas Volcano Lodge and walked the grounds.  This female Slaty Flowerpiercer was fascinating to watch as she inserted her bill into the base of the flower to extract food.


While walking through Carara National Park we came upon a clearing (unusual for the dense woods we were walking in) and watched as this Bare-throated Tiger Heron stretch its wings out in the warm sun as it rested on the ground.


One of the stops on our tour was a residence near Arenal National Park.  Victor had a two-story house with a covered deck all around the second level.  I was amazed at the variety of birds that were in his yard in spite of the fact that he only had a bunch of bananas to attract them.  Our guide Mayor explained that Victor surrounded his house with native trees and bushes known to attract birds.  Here is a Red-legged Honeycreeper on the feeder at the same time as a much larger Clay-colored Thrush.


This trio of different species were all feeding on the bunch of bananas hung by Victor’s house.  From the Left: Passerini’s Tanager, Streakbacked Oriole, and Green Honeycreeper.


This Rufous-winged Woodpecker built a nest in the same tree that supported the bunch of bananas off the deck at Victor’s house.  The female has inserted her beak into the waiting mouth of her chick.  The male also came to feed the chick (but I missed the shot).


As we left Victor’s house we stopped at a little marsh alongside the road.  A large steer wallowed in the grasses and lapped up the water and vegetation while some Northern Jacana fed nearby.


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