I’m Back. And Behind.

We finally returned home after being gone for the past two weeks.  Most of the time we were on a birding trip in Alberta, Canada braving the cold, wind, rain, and wild fires (the last five days we were in Connecticut attending my step-mother’s memorial service).  Boy, am I behind.

How behind?  I have barely looked at the Latest pics that have come into GreatBirdPics.com during that time (we went over 9,000 pics!).  I haven’t really finished up cataloging the Panama pictures from March.  I haven’t shared one picture (of the 3,000+ keepers) from our April Texas bird trip we went on with our Birding Buddies.  Somewhere along the way in May I collected 650+ pictures from around here and I’ve yet to process them.  I just came back with 2500+ pics from Canada I have yet to process.  Boy, am I behind.

Will I ever catch up?  Only if the weather prevents me from leaving the house for the next three months.  In the mean time I will pick away at the pile and share some of the best ones with you.  Just to break the ice of the Texas and Canada pics here’s just a couple I thought you might like:

Our April Birding Buddy Trip to Texas was great!  We stayed close to the Rio Grande River around South Padre Island and Harlingen.  Here’s a shot of a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.  This bird was widely seen in the area, often perched up on a high tree or post.


One of the highlights of our Canada Trip was a gondola ride up the mountain in Jasper National Park.  We were in search of one bird there – a White-tailed Ptarmigan.  We started hiking up from the drop-off point toward the snowy peak of the mountain when one of our fellow birders spotted this one.  It was very used to humans being around and hopped around on the rocky surface alongside the trail.


More to come from both of these birding destinations – as soon as I process the pics (and do the wash).

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