GBP Notes 12/1/22

Goodbye Ireland, Hello Jamaica

If you’ve been following my disjointed travel threads here on GreatBirdPics you’ll recall I went to Ireland in early October and to Jamaica in late November.  After starting work on my Jamaica pics, I realized I hadn’t completed sharing my Ireland pics with you.  So I spent some time this morning adding some IrelandBirdPics, thereby relieving me of my guilt which now allows me to work on my JamaicaBirdPics.  I loaded more than you’ll see below onto our site, but here were a few of my favorites from Ireland.

This Eurasian Curlew came in for a landing on the kelp beds just off the beach in Galway.  I love the long beak!


Yesterday I shared a note about a Bar-tailed Godwit who flew nonstop from Alaska to New Zealand.  I saw some Bar-tailed Godwits along the shoreline in Ireland and I looked up the fact that these birds breed up in Northwestern Russia and the northern-most regions of Norway and Sweden and then winter in the UK.  There were several of them in Galway.


I took this next picture not for the Herring Gull but for the background.  Look carefully and you’ll see the hillside is laced with old stone fences from a bygone era.  Very picturesque.


You’ll find more Ireland birds in the Latest section of but my last one today of the European Robin.  My guess is that travelers from Europe saw a red-breasted thrush here in America they named it “Robin” after the bird they were used to seeing back home.


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