GBP Notes 11/16/22 – Members’ Pics

Pretty Bird!  Pretty Bird!

Our members continue to contribute some GreatBirdPics. Take a look:

Just take a look at the detail Emil Baumbach captured of this male Evening Grosbeak.  We normally don’t see them down here in Chicagoland (they are more common up in Minnesota and further north) but they have been sighted in a number of places around town – an irruption year?


Here’s a fun one by Waynobubba – a Dragonfly photobombing a Great Blue Heron.


Camp Stitch Nerd Bird captured an uncommon Hairy Woodpecker in her back yard in Michigan. Look at the size of the bill compared to the much smaller Downy Woodpecker’s bill.


John Weisgerber was out in Rabbit Mountain Open, Colorado and captured this great closeup of a Ferruginous Hawk.


Click Here if you would like to learn more about GreatBirdPics.  Membership is free; members can post their own great bird pics,  create an online gallery of their works, and receive emails about bird photography and birding.

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