GBP Notes 10/28/22 – Bird Photograph of the Week

You Have to Have Balance

Take a quick look at the photo below and then read on.

At first glance doesn’t the bird look off-center?  Shouldn’t it be smack-dab in the middle?  Take a careful look at the picture now and notice that yes, the bird is positioned to the right of center, but look at the leaf to the left of center.  That leaf has the same size, shape and color as the main body of the bird!  It’s amazing that the leaf would have the same characteristics, so the two objects of interest (the bird and the leaf) have equal weight in the eyes of the viewer.  Congratulations to John Weisgerber for spotting this and adjusting the crop of his picture so it balances nicely.


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Leegramas Recent comment authors

Great picture, like a piece of artwork!
