GBP Notes 10/27/22 – Blue Time

The Blue Hour

I was out today during the Golden Hour – the hour before sunset after sunrise when the sun is low and casts a beautiful golden light over the world.  Some photographers only take their outdoors shots during the Golden Hour.  Today was simply beautiful with a bright, late afternoon sun hanging low above the horizon, an azure blue sky, and shadows extending father and farther away from me.  I was reminded of Burningnaturephotography’s (BNP) recent post of an Eastern Towhee titled, “Blue Light Hour.”  I had never heard of this before, but BNP evidently gets out of bed way before I do to get great bird shots.  He took the picture just before sunrise, when the world has more of a blue cast than golden.  Of course light is minimal at that time so it’s tough to get a good shot, but he certainly got one this time.  Next time I get insomnia I’ll head outside before sunrise and check out the Blue Light Hour.  If anyone else has any Blue Light Hour shots please share them – I’d love to see more!


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Burning Nature photography

Thanks Mike.
