GBP Members’ Bird Photography Showcase 5/15/24

A nice variety of pictures have been arriving here at GreatBirdPics.  Take a look at some that caught my eye:

BlairBirder shared this picture of a Dunlin in breeding colors – the browns on the back are a brighter brown and the dark brown patch on the underside is only visible during mating season. A Dunlin is usually found on mudflats and fluddles.


This pretty little Pine Warbler is like a snowbird in Chicagoland.  It lives here all summer and then migrates to the southern U.S. for the winter.  They arrived back here a couple of weeks ago.  They are easily heard but hard to spot as they prefer to forage high up in tall pine trees.  Randall28 somehow coaxed this one down to pose for him – GreatBirdPic!


Ronald Zigler knows right where to go in Massachusetts to find mating Osprey – he’s been there several times over the past three years.  I have to believe Ronald has to be very patient to get a shot like this, as birds only copulate for a few seconds before parting.


MizzMitchell captured this Black Vulture perched on a tree in Pennsylvania.  Two things struck me: the detail he captured in the all-black bird and the fact that Black Vultures can be found in Pennsylvania, as I associate them with the south (we hardly ever see them in the midwest).


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