GBP Member’s Bird Photography Showcase

I’ve Missed You!

It has been quite a while since my last email.  Yes, I’m fine.  Yes, my brother Doug is doing well and healing after his surgery.  It’s just I couldn’t find even a half-an-hour to send out an email (and they usually take longer).   In the past four weeks I spend 6 days birding in Oaxaca, Mexico, 5 days with my brother in Connecticut, and 8 days birding in Arizona.  I know, you feel very sorry for me for having to go off to some of these places and see Lifer after Lifer.  And taking picture after picture – I took about 3,000 in Mexico and 2,000 in Arizona.  If I’m strict with myself, about 8% of those will be keepers (that’s still about 400 pics).  Many of those will end up on eBird Checklists and some will make it here (eventually – I’m still working on pictures from Hilton Head taken in mid-March).

But enough about me – let’s look at some of the stunning pics that have been posted here:

We begin with a pic by our very newest member, franzdom.  He hails from North Carolina; I asked him how he found GBP and he said he Googled, “Sharing bird pics.”  How did he know I have a soft spot for BIF pictures, particularly with food in their mouths?


LinLark likes loons (say that three times quickly).  Loons migrate through the midwest in the spring and fall and they are a treat when you can find them.


I’ve got to get my Emil fix here on the first day back!  Emil Baumbach has been out taking more great pics and sharing them with us.  Tree Swallows are back, too and he caught a couple of them dickering.


Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Post Here.  Repeat.


If you would like to learn more about GreatBirdPics Click Here.  Members can post their own great bird pics, create an online gallery of their works, and receive emails like these on a regular basis.


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