GBP Bird Photograph of the Week – 7/19/24

I should say “photographs” of the week since I missed last week’s entry due to plane issues coming back from Canada.  So this week I’ll make up for it by sharing last week’s and this week’s Bird Photograph of the Week.

I almost overlooked this photograph by Bajadreamer because the subject was so small.  It is a Northern Jacana chick making its way across a pond and look how small its body is compared to its huge feet!  It uses those feet to walk on lily pads; smaller feet would have just sunk into the water.  It barely has any feathers, but so cute!  Bajadreamer didn’t think the shot was very good but I think it is GreatBirdPic quality through and through.


Our second Bird Photograph of the Week was shared by Kaur and is of an immature Wood Duck.  The lighting makes it look like it is emerging from the dark woods.  Very effective composition with a nice, low angle on the bird.  Well done!


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