GBP Bird Photograph of the Week – 6/7/24

Be sure to enter the latest Bird Photography contest on GreatBirdPics.  Win $100 for the best Reflection shot.  CLICK HERE for more details.  The first one was submitted Wednesday – thanks Ronald for starting us out strong!

LinLark was at Montrose Point (Chicago) and found a Yellow Warbler nest with this male (note the bright red stripes on his breast) singing away.  GreatBirdPic!


If you browse the Latest Pics section of the site you probably noticed some GreatBirdPics recently taken in Costa Rica.  Three of Karen’s and my Birding Buddies went there for 10 days in April and we all took lots of pics – so get used to seeing them because I’ll be featuring many of these colorful birds over the next few weeks.


If you enjoy seeing beautiful pictures of birds from around the world and reading about them Click Here to sign up for our mailing list.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPics and learn more about bird photography techniques.

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Great photograph, beautiful bird!
