GBP Bird Photograph of the Week 6/14/24

Be sure to enter the Bird Photography Contest on GreatBirdPics (deadline for submission is June 24, 2024).  Win $100 for the best Reflection shot.  CLICK HERE for more details.

Note: I’ve decided to not feature images entered in a contest as part of the Members’ Showcase or select them for the Bird Photograph of the Week.  There are some great shots being submitted for the contest and you can see them by reviewing the Latest Pics section.

It was easy to select today’s GBP Bird Photograph of the Week.  Emil Baumbach’s shot of a Violet Sabrewing in Costa Rica is one of the most colorful hummers I’ve seen and the detail is impeccable, right down to the tiny raindrop on the end of its beak.  Well done!


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Incredible shot!
