GBP Bird Photograph of the Week – 11/27/24

GBP Bird Photograph of the Week – 11/27/24

I’m sending this week’s Bird Photograph of the Week today and taking Friday off to be with family.  Bajadreamer gives us some interesting background regarding this female Pin-tailed Sandgrouse:

” I have heard the comment “Eating for two”, when describing a pregnant woman’s appetite. This image demonstrates “Drinking for four”. This is a Pin-tailed Sandgrouse in Spain. This is the female, but both sexes exhibit this same behavior. These birds live in desert environments, where water is scarce. This pond is a natural year round pond in northeastern Spain. When these birds have chicks in the nest, the adults go to a water source and not only drink for themselves, but also to use a pouch hidden in the feathers on their bellies to gather water and take it back to their nests for the chicks to drink. Their nest may be miles away from the water source and this behavior will be repeated many times per day. You will notice that the bird is not sitting on the side of pool, but rather has waded in and lowered herself in the water. Her belly pouch is filling while she is drinking.”

Thanks for the interesting info!


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Leegramas Recent comment authors

That is a beautiful picture!
