Costa Rican Trogons

During our April, 2024 birding tour of Costa Rica we were always on the lookout for Trogons.  These large birds tend to perch and stay perched for a while (if you click on one of Bajadreamer’s pics below you’ll find out why) so they are easier to photograph.  According to the checklist of birds provided by our tour operator, Costa Rica Focus, there are nine species of Trogons seen there.  We were able to see four Trogon species and I was able to get usable shots of three of those four.  As you look at these note the large eyering on each species and what color each eyering is.

Our first Trogon is a Gartered Trogon.  Note the eyering and the intricate pattern on the tail.


Next is a Black-headed Trogon.  A much plainer tail and a much different eyering.


Bajadreamer shared two great shots of the Black-headed Trogon – one from the front and one from the back.


The third Trogan I got a picture of was a Slaty-tailed Trogon.   I love the bright red breast and orange bill.  In this one it is much easier to see the multiple lengths of its tail-feathers, giving it a slaty look.


Tomorrow I’ll share pictures of one of the most famous birds in the Trogon Family.  Can you guess what it will be?


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