Costa Rican BIF Shots

After sharing tanagers, hummingbirds, trogans, and motmots I still have more pics from Costa Rica!.  Today’s category is BIF shots.  Although generally harder to capture in the thick vegetation of the Costa Rican forests I was able get a few good shots (IMO) of some interesting birds flying.

We start out today with a perched Crested Caracara with another one flying from behind attempting to land on the same perch.  As you can see from the whitewash on the limb this is a favorite perch for these birds.


One of the strangest birds I’ve seen anywhere is the Montezuma Oropendola.  These large birds make a nest that looks like huge hanging sack of burlap – and they build them together in clumps (see below).  I love that their faces remind me of a clown!


As large as the Scarlet Macaw is, it flys very quickly, making it hard to get a good shot.  This one was taken after many failed attempts.


Parakeets are also very fast flyers.  Luckily for me this Crimson-fronted Parakeet was perched and then took off straight toward me.


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