Birds Found Around Water

Birds Found Around Water

Today I’ve selected a few pics sent in by our members of birds that can be found in and near water.  Although they are quite different in shape and size each of them have adapted to finding food in the water.

We start out with a picture of a male Harlequin Duck in its full breeding plumage shared with us by Emil Baumbach.  Yes, it’s walking on water – the frozen kind.  Be sure to click the pic to read Emil’s account of getting the shot.


While in Florida recently Birder2011 took a great close-up of an Anhinga.  Note the long pointed beak – it uses that to spear fish in the water and then flips its prey up, opens its mouth, and then swallows the fish whole.


At first glance I thought this image of a Great Blue Heron from BirdyGirl was standing on ice like the Harlequin Duck above.  Upon closer inspection the GBH is on a beach in Florida at sunrise.


John Weisgerber was in Hawaii and spotted a bird he was unfamiliar with – a Wandering Tattler.  Click the pic to read about the bird and how he came to ID it.


Finally a great picture of a male and female Blue-winged Teal shared with us by Birder2011 while she was in Florida.  I like pictures with both genders in them for comparison purposes – and this one has reflections, too!


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