Beat Me To The Punch

I made mention of a birding trip to Texas after we were in Panama.  Karen and I traveled with three other birding buddies from Chicagoland and all but Karen sported cameras at all times.  I’ve been meaning to get around to sharing some of my Texas pics but postalwarbler beat me to the punch!  He’s been sharing some of his favorite pics so I thought I would bring your attention to some of my favorites.

Roseate Spoonbills always catch my eye – so colorful with the distinctive bill sloshing back and forth through the water to dredge up tasty morsels.  Postalwarbler caught this one with some reflection.  Note the beautiful pink color – males in breeding plumage have a brighter/redder pink color.


When you’re down at their level, the legs of the Black-necked Stilt look so long compared to the rest of their body.  Postalwarbler took this shot at a water reclamation pond.


A common, yet captivating, bird in Texas was the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.  It was often seen perched atop a fence post or tree limb.  Here you get a nice look at the long tail of this flycatcher from behind.


Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were more common in Texas than Black-crowned Night-Herons; just the opposite of what we find in Chicagoland.  This one was perched up on an old post, now in the middle of a pond.

Keep up the good work postalwarbler!


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