Back to the Barnacle

You might recall a recent post about going to Highland, Indiana to see a Barnacle Goose.  Here are a couple of my pictures of that goose to refresh your memory:

Such a cute little face and bill!  When we were there talking to Gil, who was feeding the waterfowl, he mentioned a spectacular video of how the Barnacle Goose leads their young over a cliff!  When we bumped into member Emil Baumbach recently he mentioned that same video – then he sent me a link to it.

The video is fascinating, showing a Barnacle Goose nest 400 feet high and how the chicks follow the mom off the edge and tumble down the rocky walls.  The video was produced by National Geographic and is about 8 minutes long on YouTube (includes commercials).  I would recommend watching this but be forewarned that two of the three chicks do not survive.  Watching this video gave me much more of an appreciation of the opportunity we had to view this tough little goose.  CLICK HERE to go to the video.

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Post Here.  Repeat.


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