Are Drab Birds Ugly?

Welcome to Mike’s Monday Pics

Today I feature some bird pictures I took while in the Southwest U.S.  We flew into Albuquerque, NM and then spent a couple of days in Santa Fe before heading over to Pagosa Springs, CO.  Any time we go away we check eBird for Hotspots in the area of our destination and usually have pretty good luck.  It just so happens that the bird pictures I’m featuring today are pretty drab – not much color in them.  Does that make them any less beautiful?  I think not!

This is the Gray Adult version of the Mountain Bluebird.  The more colorful version is a beautiful sky blue.


This Juniper Titmouse was a Lifer for us but it just wouldn’t come out into the sun.  It hopped around the bottom of a bush in the shade.  Still a pretty bird.


We often think of the male House Finch, with its bright red head.  The female is brown with lots of stripes, making it an interesting bird to watch.


Could this Brewer’s Blackbird receive its name because it was often seen hanging around a brewery?  Usually the eyes are bloodshot and red on those birds while this one is bright yellow.

I almost missed this Cooper’s Hawk because it was at eye-level.  It was so close but still tended to blend in with the background.

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Share Here.  Repeat.


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