A Couple of Lifers

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Getting a Lifer is always a thrill and more experienced birders, who have seen lots of birds, get even more excited to notch up one more.  Take a look at some of these Lifers from our members:

From Birder2011: “Last week, I had the opportunity to take a tour to Machias Seal Island. This island belongs to the United States or Canada, depending on who you ask. Researchers stay on the island to (you guessed it) study the habits and breeding of the Puffins, Razorbills, Common Murre, and Artic Terns. birds. This tour company is the only United States company that allows civilians to come onto the island. Once on the island, we were divided into small groups and went into blinds, hidden from the birds, where we had great views of the Atlantic Puffins. What an amazing experience!”


Here’s another Lifer, a Baillons Crake, from Rebecca Bowater, “This is a lifer for me. Seen on these ponds during the NZ Bird Conference in Nelson on the 3rd June 2024. So I went there today and after 1 hours this one came out of the reeds for a very short time.”


To tell the truth, I’m not sure if Kaur has seen a Brown Booby before, but to see this one in Indiana (which is way out of its range) must have been very exciting.


I am sure Emil Baumbach did not see a Rufous-winged Woodpecker before he went to Costa Rica a few months ago.  This is a male and did you spot the beak of a chick in the tree waiting for food?


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