2025 Resolutions

So last year I overreached and chose too many resolutions for my bird photography.  This year I’m limiting myself to 4 attainable goals:

  1. Take more BIF shots –  Using my pre-set Custom Shooting Mode dial* I have a “normal” camera setting (Spot-Focus, SS=1/800th to 1/2000th [depending on how much light is available]) and a BIF setting (Flexible-zone focus [which covers about one-third of the center focus area], SS= 1/2500th).  When out on the trail I have been keeping my camera on the “normal” setting so it’s ready when I spot a bird in a tree or bush.  However, if a bird flys by I often miss it because it’s hard to aim the spot-focus on the bird.  So by keeping the camera in the BIF setting I’ll be more likely to capture the bird with the wider focus area and stop the action of the wings with the faster Shutter Speed (SS).
  2. Learn Photoshop Basics – a repeat from last year, but it’s time to learn some basic functions of this powerful image editing tool.
  3. Offer Four Photo Contests – Contests bring in a lot of GreatBirdPics – and they’re fun!  There were three contests last year so why not four this year?
  4. Take More Pictures – I must admit I’ve gotten a bit lazy with my bird photography as of late.  Part of it is the current weather – winter’s gray, overcast skies makes it dark for photography and there are fewer birds around, so I am tempted to leave my camera at home.  Even in good weather I find I’m not attempting as many shots, thinking, “I already have some good pics of Robins (or Starlings, or Red-winged Blackbirds).  My resolution is to take my camera along each time we go out birding and try to get a GreatBirdPic in low light or of a common birds.

What about you – what are some of your bird photography goals for the year?  I’d like to hear about them.

* I covered how to use the Custom Shooting Mode for my Canon almost three years ago (most brands have a similar function).  You can see that post HERE but note that I have modified the settings mentioned in the post to the settings mentioned above.

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